Modify Organization Masking Options

The Modify Masking Options for Organization screen allows you to mask or display credit card, passenger name or commission information for your entire organization.


If you are responsible for multiple locations with different Agency Code Numbers, you will be presented with a drop down menu of the available ACNs. You may select one or all of the ACNs for which the settings will apply.


  1. If applicable, select the appropriate location or all locations from the drop down menu.

  2. Select the options for masking information. You must select to display or mask both the credit card and passenger name fields.

  3. Click the Modify button to apply the changes.

  4. Verify the information on the Summary screen. If all information is correct, click Modify. If it is not correct, click Previous to return to the previous screen.


Users who are allowed to view the credit card commission or commission information will be able to mask it and unmask it at any time.